There was a post on Money Saving Mom with lots of links to great giveaways. Here are a few of my favorites (you should check them out, too):
I posted about the “$5 Dollar Dinners” blog on my Menu Planning Monday thread this week. She is giving away a $25 Kroger gift card. $25 can go a LONG way at Kroger. If you want to enter, click here.
On Frugal, Freebies, and Deals, she is giving away a $10 Target gift card. Check it out here.
Win a coupon binder from The Coupon Coup! Click here to enter.
Win a copy of the Dining on a Dime book from the Frugal in Virginia blog. Click here to enter.

Frugal RI Mom is giving away a $10 CVS gift card here and a bottle of Sambucol here.
Thanks for entering my giveaway Melissa! Good Luck!!
those are some great giveaways. Thanks