More Kroger deals are coming – get your coupons ready!

I know that we’ve had a lot of fun at Kroger lately. I’m happy to report that the fun is not over yet. In some areas, the “Daytona 500 Event” has already started. In my area, it won’t start until Wednesday, but I’ve been looking at the ads for other areas to get an idea about what coupons I need to stock up on!

Here’s how this event works: you buy 10 participating items and get an instant $3 off at check-out.

Here are some of the participating items (and coupon match-ups): (Prices will probably vary by area….there are probably many other participating items…this is just a preview of what I have seen)

Chef Boyardee $0.88
.35/3 Chef Boyardee Canned or Microwaveable Pasta, Any – 01-04-09 SS

Ragu pasta Sauce 1.69
Ragu Pasta Sauces, Any – 01-18-09 RP, .75 off 2, ex. 3/29/09
Ragu pasta sauces .50/2 loadable coupon from

Pillsbury Grands Biscuits 8 ct select varieties 1.49
Pillsbury Grands! Refrigerated Biscuits, Any size/variety – 12-14-08 SS, .25 off 1, ex. 3/7/09
Pillsbury Refrigerated Grands Biscuits, Any size/variety – 11-16-08 SS, .40 off 1, ex. 2/7/09
.50/2 printable on (see the link on the right sidebar)

Lloyds BBQ or ChiChis Taco Meat 3.99
Lloyd’s Ribs or Lloyd’s Tub, Any – 01-25-09 SS, .75 off 1, ex. 3/31/09

Betty Crocker Fruit Snacks 1.79
.75/2 Fruit by the Foot, Fruit Gushers, or Fruit Roll Ups printable on (see the link on the right sidebar)
.50/2 Betty Crocker fruit flavored shapes, 1-4 SS
.50/1 Betty Crocker Fruit Stickers 2-1 SS
.50/2 Fruit by the Foot, Fruit Gushers, or Fruit Roll Ups, 1-4 SS

*This will match up nicely with the catalina deal that I posted about here

Ritz Crackers 2.68
Nabisco Ritz, Wheat Thins or Triscuit Crackers, Any – 01-25-09 SS, 2.00 off 2, ex. 3/31/09

Kroger Salad Dressing 16 oz 1.34
.75/1 loadable coupon from

Huggies Diapers or Pullups 9.99Huggies Pull-Ups Training Pants, Any Jumbo Pack + – 01-11-09 SS, 2.00 off 1, ex. 4/18/09
Huggies Diapers, Any – 01-11-09 SS, 1.50 off 1, ex. 2/15/09
$1.50/1 loadable Huggies diapers coupon on
$2/1 loadable Pull Ups coupon on
$1/1 Huggies diapers loadable coupon on
$3/2 Huggies diapers loadable coupon on

*Don’t forget about the .75/1 rebate from The Caregivers Marketplace

Here’s my scenario for my first trip (of course, I’m assuming that all of these prices will apply in my area):

*Buy 3 Chef Boyardee canned, microwaveable pasta – .88/each
*Buy 2 Ragu Pasta sauce – $1.69/each
*Buy 1 Pillsbury Grands biscuit – $1.49/each
*Buy 2 Betty Crocker fruit flavored shapes and 1 Fruit Stickerz – $1.79/each
*Buy 1 Kroger salad dressing – $1.34/each

Total before coupons = $14.22

Use .35/3 Chef Boyardee coupon (will triple), use .75/2 manufacturer’s coupon and .50/2 Shortcuts Ragu coupons, use .40/1 Pillsbury coupon, use .50/2 BC shapes coupon and .50/1 Fruit Stickerz coupon, use .75/1 salad dressing Cellfire coupon, instant $3 off from Daytona promotion

Total after coupons and promotion = $5.37
(I will also have a $1.50 catalina to use on my next transaction)

Transaction #2:

*Buy 2 Nabisco/Ritz crackers – $2.69/each
*Buy Pillsbury Grands biscuits – $1.49/each
*Buy Lloyds BBQ meat – $3.99
*Buy Pull Ups – $9.99
*Buy 2 Ragu Pasta sauce – $1.69
*Buy 3 Chef Boyardee – .88/each

Total before coupons = $26.87

Use $2/2 Nabisco coupon, use .25/1 Pillsbury coupon, use .75/1 Lloyds coupon, use $2 Pull Ups manufacturer coupon and $2 Shortcuts coupon, use .75/2 Ragu coupon, use .35/3 Chef Boyardee coupon, use $1.50 OYNO catalina, $3 Daytona instant rebate

Total after coupons = $13.07 (I will also get a .75 rebate from Caregivers for the Pull Ups)

**If you substitute Huggies diapers instead of Pull Ups, it would be the same price if you load the Shortcuts and Cellfire coupons onto your card! The diapers/Pull ups end up being $4.94 after all of the coupons, the Daytona promotion, and your rebate!

ETA: The Pull Ups were not working in my area. They are reportedly working in some places. Before you buy them, make sure that they are part of the deal.


  1. hey, I went to the shortcuts website to get the ragu coupon and I can’t find it! Do they only give out a certain amount? Or am I just completely retarded and can’t find it?

  2. Did you click on “all coupons” on the left sidebar? I had already loaded that coupon to my card, but I just loaded it a day or two ago, so I’m thinking it should still be there? I don’t think they only give out a certain amount. They do have expiration dates and are time sensitive, but that one is valid through 2/7.