Huggies Simply Clean Wipes just $.02 per wipe shipped!


If you’ve been looking for a deal on wipes, get Huggies Simply Clean wipes for just $11.61 shipped after discounts!  That’s just $.02 per wipe or $1.45 per tub.  Either way it’s a great deal!

Make sure you also take advantage of this deal on Huggies diapers–> Huggies Snug & Dry diapers for $.13 per diaper shipped

Here’s how you can get this deal for yourself:

1.  Make sure you’re logged in to your Amazon Mom account.  If you don’t have an Amazon Mom account yet, you can sign up for one for free for 3 months!  Amazon Mom gives you free shipping and you can save an additional 20% on select diapers and wipes!  Click here to register–> Amazon Mom registration

2.  Click here to get the deal–> Huggies Simply Clean Wipes just $.02 per wipe shipped

3.  Choose a Subscribe & Save delivery schedule from the blue box on the right.  You can cancel Subscribe & Save at any time after you receive your order.


If you prefer Pampers, you can get Pampers Softcare wipes for $11.21 shipped with Amazon Mom and Subscribe & Save.  Click here to get that deal–> Pampers Softcare wipes for $11.21 shipped

Please note that pricing and availability changes frequently on Amazon.  Verify final pricing before completing your order.

Make sure you keep your holiday packages safe this year with your free UPS My Choice Membership–> Keep your packages safe this year with your free UPS My Choice membership

*This post may contain affiliate links. Please refer to my disclosure policy for more information

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