A note for my subscribers

I recently received a few e-mails from subscribers asking why they could no longer read my posts via e-mail. I had set up my feeds to be “short feeds” (meaning you get an intro, but have to click to see the full post) because I got some e-mails saying that the posts were too long. I’m guessing that Google changed the way that the feeds go through because the “short feed” was only including a link to the post.

I have changed this so the full feed is going out again. One drawback to this is if I make a change to the original post, you won’t have that. For example, yesterday I added the Crave-NX spray to the CVS post after the subscription e-mails had already gone out. Today I changed a link in the Target post for the Juicy Juice coupon.

So, if you are clicking on links in your e-mail and they aren’t “working” you may want to check the post on my site because I may have made changes since your e-mail went out.

Thanks again to all of you for reading my blog!


  1. Maria Lopez says:

    im so glad you made this change. I follow you through google reader and i was not able to read the post only the tittle of the post.