If you’ve been reading my blog for long, then you know I have a bit of an Amazon addiction. I cringe when I hear people say that they have Amazon gift cards that they won’t use because “they can’t really find much on Amazon.” Over the past year, I’ve bought all sorts of things our family “needs” ranging from diapers and Pull Ups to batteries, a booster seat, over the counter medication, toilet paper, laundry detergent, and razor blades along with some fun things like toys, movies, and books! The best part is that I’ve spent very little out of pocket on these items because I’ve been able to pay for them using gift cards!
Here are some ideas for ways that you can earn gift cards to fund your Amazon addiction and stick to your budget, too!
1. Change jar ~ Since we use cash only, last year, my husband and I decided to start a change jar where we would keep all of the change we earned from purchases. We were very surprised that we accumulated almost $200 last year by doing this! Part of it went to help pay for a family vacation we took last summer. The rest of it was “cashed in” for Amazon gift cards to buy Christmas gifts. When you visit a Coinstar machine, you have the option of “cashing out” but then you have to pay 9.8 cents per dollar. They also have an option where you can get “free coin counting” if you opt for a gift card or gift certificate instead. Amazon is one of the choices and the e-certificates you get for Amazon never expire! They also offer gift cards for Albertson’s, Borders, Cabela’s, CVS, Eddie Bauer, iTunes, JC Penney, Lowe’s, Old Navy, Overstock.com, Regal Entertainment Group, and Starbucks. We’ve already started filling our change jar again this year and my husband got me a cool digital coin counting cup as a stocking stuffer. I can’t wait to see how much money we save this way this year!
2. E-Poll ~ Epoll.com is a survey site that I have been with for several years now. The surveys are typically fairly easy and usually relate to TV shows. I usually get 2-3 surveys each month. You earn points for completing the surveys which can then be exchanged for gift cards to Amazon and a number of other retailers including Best Buy, Target, Home Depot, and Red Lobster.
3. My Points – My Points is an easy way to earn gift cards for Amazon or a number of other retailers. All you have to do is read the e-mails they send, print and redeem coupons, shop through links on their site, or submit Bzz Agent reports.
4. My Survey ~ With My Survey, you earn points for completing surveys. They will send you a short screener, which is usually worth 5-30 points and then, if you qualify for the actual survey, it is usually worth anywhere from 150-400 points. I have also done product testing for them for everything from cleaning products to diapers. You can “cash out” your points for a check (in $10 increments), merchandise, or gift cards. Some of the gift cards that they offer are: Amazon, Paypal, CVS, and Bath and Body Works. They also offer gift cards for restaurants such as Applebee’s, Chili’s, and Cracker Barrel.
5. Opinion Outpost ~ Opinion Outpost is a survey site. They will send you links when you potentially qualify for a survey. Complete the screener and if you qualify, you will be able to complete a longer survery and earn points. You earn points for completing surveys and for every 50 “opinion points” you earn, you can choose to cash out for a check, a $5 Amazon gift card, or a $5 Citibank pre-paid credit card. I joined last March and earned $272 just for completing surveys throughout the year! You can learn more about Opinion Outpost here.
6. Swagbucks – Swagbucks is one of my favorite “rewards” sites. You earn points just for searching the web, which is something you do are probably doing on a daily basis anyway! You can find out more about Swagbucks here.
Also, check with your bank to find out if they offer rewards if you use your debit card. We recently found out that we were earning points from our bank for using our debit card and one of the participating retailers that we can cash out for gift cards with is Amazon!
By doing these simple things, you’ll be well on your way to cutting your budget on household expenses or funding your 100% cash Christmas!
*This post may contain affiliate links. Please refer to my disclosure policy for more information.
[…] If you’re looking for other ways to earn Amazon gift cards, make sure you check out my post on….” […]