Crystal Four Leaf Clover Pendant Necklace only $1.19 shipped!


Amazon has some super cute (and super cheap) jewelry deals right now!  Get this Crystal Four Leaf Clover Pendant Necklace for just $1.19 shipped!  This would be cute to wear for Valentine’s Day (since it has hearts) and it will be cute for St. Patrick’s Day, too!

Get yours here–> Crystal Four Leaf Clover Pendant Necklace only $1.19 shipped

Here’s another cheap jewelry deals:

NOTE:  Pricing can change at any time.  Please verify final pricing before placing your order.

See more Amazon deals here–> Amazon deals

*This post may contain affiliate links. Please refer to my disclosure policy for more information

Walmart Beauty and Food Gift Sets 50% off!

Walmart has their Beauty and Food Gift sets on sale for 50% off!  You can purchase online and have them shipped to your home for free (if you’re spending $50) or you can choose to pick them up in your local store for free!

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They’ve got lots of kid-themed bath sets for $5 that would be great for Easter baskets!  There are several that are priced at just $5 and include favorites like Disney Princesses, Barbie, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Avengers, and Spiderman.

See them all here–> Bath and Beauty sets 50% off

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This Disney Nail Polish set has 18 different colors for just $5!  That’s just $.27 each!  These would be great for Easter baskets or for goodie bags for an upcoming birthday party!  Check it out here–> Disney Nail Polish set

Screen Shot 2014-01-02 at 7.49.36 AMThey’ve got Food Gift sets for brands like Starbucks and Hickory Farms starting as low as $2.50!  Check them out here–> Food gift sets on clearance


See more online deals here–> Online shopping deals

*This post may contain affiliate links. Please refer to my disclosure policy for more information.

4 FREE Beth Moore Books!


If you’re a Beth Moore fan or if you’re just seeking some inspiration in the New Year, you can get 4 FREE Beth Moore books today!  These books are regularly $20 or more, so this is a great deal!  These won’t be free for long, so grab them while you can!

Click on the links below to download your freebies:

You can also get a round-up of FREE E-Books delivered to your inbox for FREE daily from BookBub.  Click on the image above to sign up!Don’t have a Kindle yet?  Get a Kindle Fire for just $159 shipped!  Click here to get yours–> Kindle Fire for $159 shippedFind more free Kindle downloads here–> 100 Free Kindle downloads

If you don’t have a Kindle yet, you can still read for free on your PC, Smartphone, or tablet with these free Kindle reading apps here–> FREE Kindle reading apps 

NOTE: This book was free at the time of this posting.  Pricing on Amazon can chance at any time. Please verify final pricing before downloading this item.

See more Amazon deals here–> Amazon deals

*This post may contain affiliate links. Please refer to my disclosure policy for more information

60 FREE Pampers Gifts to Grow Points!

Have you signed up for Pampers Gifts to Grow yet?  If you have, here are two new codes worth a total of 60 points!  If you haven’t signed up yet, click on the link above to get your 100 free bonus points first!


If you’re not familiar with Pampers Gifts to Grow, you can enter codes from Pampers diapers, wipes, and training pants and accumulate points that can be redeemed for rewards.  You do not have to use Pampers or have kids in diapers to enter the freebie codes and take advantage of this program!  I signed up for this program when my oldest (who is now 9) was in diapers.  I haven’t had a kid in diapers in almost 3 years now!  Even though my kids are beyond this stage, I still enter the bonus codes when they come along and collect freebies! In the past year, I’ve earned almost 1,500 bonus points just by entering the free codes when they come along!


I typically save mine until they have gift card offers, but you can also get Shutterfly items, toys, codes and more!  This is a great way to get a jump start on Christmas gifts for NEXT year!  I recently cashed out for a $10 Red Robin gift card and FREE kids meal! (this offer is not currently available, but they add it back a few times every month, so keep your eyes open!)  I look to see what new rewards are available a few times each month.   Just a Note:  The gift card offers usually go quickly, so you have to be on top of it to grab them!

Here’s how you can potentially score 160 more points right away!

Sign up for Pampers Gifts to Grow here –> Pampers Gifts to Grow registration (you’ll get 100 bonus points just for signing up!)

Enter these bonus codes below for an additional 70 points:  please let me know if any are expired so I can remove them




If you know of any other codes, let me know so I can add them to the list!

*This post may contain affiliate links. Please refer to my disclosure policy for more information

Budgeting Basics: Tracking Your Monthly Expenses


If your goal this year is to be better about budgeting, your first step is to track ALL of your monthly expenses.  You have to know where you’re spending your money each month before you can decide how you want to spend it in future months.  If you have mainly been using a credit or debit card, this should be easy because you can simply look at your statements.

Budgeting Basics:  Tracking Your Monthly Expenses

1.  Track all of your monthly expenses – This means EVERYTHING including trips to Starbucks for your morning coffee or trips to the vending machine at work for your caffeine fix in the afternoons.  Sometimes this is very enlightening.  Maybe you had no idea you were spending $100 a month at Starbucks or $30 a month on the soda machine at work!

2.  Assign your purchases to general categories.  I have been budgeting for awhile and have gotten very specific about the categories that we use for budgeting because I like to know exactly where our money is being spent.  Some people prefer to use more general categories (for example, food would cover grocery purchases and eating out).

Here are the categories I use for budgeting:

  • Blow (my husband and I each get a set amount of money each month that we can spend on whatever we want, no questions asked)
  • Charity (monthly contributions to our church)
  • Child Care
  • Clothing
  • Debts (credit card payments)
  • Eating out
  • Entertainment (this includes our date night, Netflix, and a little extra for something fun for the family)
  • Gifts (this includes monthly gift purchases plus money for Christmas gifts)
  • Groceries
  • Housing (this includes our mortgage, homeowner’s insurance, alarm fees, and property taxes)
  • Kids Allowance
  • Kids School Expenses (this includes school lunch once a week and extra money for school supplies, school pictures, book orders, and any other school-related expenses that come up during a month)
  • Medical (this includes budgeting for monthly co-pays, my daughter’s orthodontics, prescriptions, and money for over the counter prescription purchases)
  • Miscellaneous (this includes household products like toilet paper, trash bags, and paper towels)
  • Pet Care (this includes our monthly payment for pet insurance as well as food and treats)
  • Recreation (this includes your YMCA membership and expenses for kids activities like swimming and basketball)
  • Savings
  • Toiletries (this includes health and beauty items such as makeup, toothpaste, deodorant, etc.)
  • Transportation (this includes our car payment, monthly gas expenses, car insurance, budgeting for oil changes, and budgeting for yearly registration and inspections)
  • Utilities (this includes cable, electricity, gas, water, and our cell phones)
  • Vacation

3.  Review your monthly allocations.  Where are you spending the most money?  Could you cut spending in one of those areas?  Maybe you didn’t realize how much you were spending on cable TV each month.  Could you go to a basic plan instead?  Could you cut down eating out to once a week?

This is the first post in my 30 Days to a Better Budget series!  I’ll be giving you ideas about how to start a cash only budget, how to cut your budget, and how to budget for specific situations.