Parent’s Magazine: as low a $2.49/year (possible moneymaker!)

I remember the days before I was a “bargain hunter” – I confess…I actually used to pay FULL Price for magazines.  NEVER again!  Today you can actually MAKE money buying a one year subscription to Parent’s Magazine.

Here’s how:

1.  Sign into your account here–> and click on the blue “Shop Now” button.

If you don’t have a account, you can sign up here and you will get a $5 cash back bonus after your first purchase–>Shop at Home sign-up

2.  When you get to, search for Parents Magazine and add it to your cart.  The total for a one year subscription is $9.97.

3.  On the payment information screen at check-out, check the box that says Do you have a coupon code or gift card for this purchase?  Enter the code MAGCOUPON – this will deduct $5 from your total purchase price!  You will receive 50% cash back for shopping through, so your total after cash back will be $2.49.  If you got the $5 cash back bonus for signing up with, it’s a $2.51 moneymaker!

Buy Parent’s Magazine (one year subscription) – $9.97

-$5 (MAGCOUPON code at check-out)

-$2.49 (50% cash back from

Final Price = $2.49

NOTE:  Your cash back will be credited to your account within 30 days!

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