Kid’s Craft: Kaleidoscope Rice

Making this colored rice is a fun project that will lend itself to many many more crafts for your kids.  They can use the rice to make picture collages, or to fill jars with just like you would with colored sand, or you can pour it all into a big dish and hide little toys in it for a treasure hunt.  Thanks to Momtastic for this great idea!

Here’s what you need to make the colored rice:

  • 8 cups uncooked rice
  • Food colors
  • White vinegar
  • Baggies

Here’s how to make it -> Kaleidoscope Rice Tutorial


30 Days of Valentine’s Fun: Tic Tac Toe Valentines

These Tic Tac Toe Valentine’s are a cute alternative to the standard Valentines.  I like that they can be for both boys and girls.  Assembly is also very minimal which is quite nice.  Thanks to Shim and Sons for the great idea!

Here’s where to go to find out how to make these -> Tic Tac Toe Valentines Tutorial


Kid’s Craft: Balloon Bean Bags

These Balloon Bean Bags from Flipflops and Applesauce are super cheap to make (you should be able to make several for under $3!) and your kids can help, too!  I know my kids will love this one.  I can’t wait to try it out!

  • round balloons – three balloons per bean bag
  • rice or beans for filling
  • scissors
  • funnel

Here’s how to make them -> Balloon Bean Bags Tutorial


30 Days of Valentine’s Fun Day #8: Grandparent Gift Idea

If you are still trying to come up with a Valentine’s gift idea for the kiddos to give to grandparents, here is a really cute one.  All you need is some red washable paint, a marker and a piece of paper.  I think when I do it, I will frame it just to dress it up a bit.  Thanks to Tons of Fun for this simple yet very thoughtful gift idea!

Find out more about how to make this yourself here–>Valentine idea for grandparents from Tons of Fun


Kid’s Craft: Recycling Old and Broken Crayons

I just found this idea on Pinterest and am now kicking myself for throwing out that container of old crayons that had been laying around my house for months.  Why couldn’t I have held onto it for a few more days?!  Not only is this a great idea for repurposing those old and broken crayons, but they can make great gifts as well.  I am so excited about this that I just might have to break into the good crayons to make some.  Thanks to Craft Daisies for the idea!

Here is what you need to make these:

  • Old and broken Crayons
  • mini muffin pan (one that you don’t mind getting a little crayon on)

Here is how to make them -> Crayon Nibbles Tutorial